Blessings upon blessings!!! Well, I am sure that you guys have wondered where we have been lately, and what we have been up to. This is the most busy I have ever been in my life!!!!! I have been so absent from Instagram, Tik Tok, and Pinterest. Just decided to sell our home, we also have a graduating senior, a senior trip for him, the end of the school year, and moving all so soon. We sold our home in 2 days, and this was not the 1st time that we have SOLD a home in this short time span. Together we have learned so much even for a 3rd time HOME SELLER, the DOs and DONT’s, and great pointers for selling your home quickly!

New Beginnings………
I have found that I cherish the time, and memories made with my big brood of guys. There is no time like the present time, an all the life circumstances that go along with it. This has taught me that time, and memories don’t always last, but we have to make the most of our time. During this year of quarantine so many things have occurred and changed the way we look at life. going from wearing mask, teaching children through a socially distanced environment, and also the way we really feel about using ZOOM!! (insert eye roll here)..
Honestly, do you know how hard it is to teach little children through a mask, and expect them to social distance properly. Believe me it’s been an ongoing mountain this school year. At the age of 7, and 8 they still love hugs so much! We will never forget the year that COVID-19 has brought to every family this year.
Loving Where God Has Brought Us…..

There is definitely a story behind this house and what gratifying ways that God has put this right into our laps. I saw this home on HAR, and knew that this was our home, but not so easily though. We decided to see this home up close, and attend the OPEN HOUSE for it one Sunday afternoon. Well, when we walked it, it was so beautiful. It showed in person like it did online. Guys remember this is an absolutely INSANE housing market right now, and we felt pretty defeated by the sheer crowd at this OPEN HOUSE. There was no way that we could fight all of these people through an offer.

There is so much power in his name, and please believe that with all your might. We are thankful, grateful, and blessed to be where we are today!

This house has blessed my family in more ways than one. I am ever so grateful for my husband believing in my antics as a wife to move our family, change jobs, and literally pick up another job! There is so much more to hear, and see in our world, stay tuned friends!

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