Ladies always know that makeup is not your friend, it looks so gorgeous when applied correctly but it is not nice to our skin when left on overnight. I wanted to share with you beauties my nighttime routine because I have been asked several questions about what I use on my skin. These five products are my holy grail products when it comes to my sensitive skin. I have always had sensitive skin, and it can be problematic if I don’t tend to it often. I love wearing makeup, but I don’t always feel up to peeling it off at night, but it is a MUST!!!!!!!
I even continue to see a dermatologist in my adult hood, and they will continue to be apart of my health routine such as check ups. I will go to my dermatologist with products in hand, asking if these items are worthy of the everyday use, and the dollar too! There was a time in my life that even after the birth of my son Cole that I went through the most horrible phase of acne, and wouldn’t even hardly go outside to show my face, or skip family events as well. I was single and wanted to get back on the dating scene again, so I decided to see a dermatologist at the office of West Houston Dermatology. Met an amazing Dr. who brought my skin back to life, and believe me it was life changing.
First, I want to tell you about #1Loreal360, it was one of those products that was very comparable to #2Oil of Olay Face Wash sensitive skin. My skin cannot take washes with harsh chemicals, has to be oil free, paraben free, and dermatologist tested, and hypoallergenic. I love Loreal360, and I have only been using it for about 6 months now. I wear this overnight when I begin to see a foreign object appear on my skin. It does not have to be worn over night, but can be washed off immediately. My #3 is St.Ives mask which can be found here. This is my exfoliator, and this is mines of choice. It is an apricot scrub, and it does wonders to slough off that dead skin that sometimes we may never do if exfoliating is not your thing. My dermatologist recommends that I exfoliate at least 2x a week. There are many other ones out there but love this one, and its easy on my pocketbook. My #4 is my Spinbrush by Clinique which I found on ebay, and love to my heart is content. I spent no more than $35 dollars on my brush, and there are other heads to the brush for the body that I use too.This is the most loved product in my arsenal, and I have been using it for two years now. This is a must have if you want to give your skin a real treat especially with the Summer coming. Last, but not least is my #5 sleep lotion by Bath and Bodyworks (aromatherapy) OMG!!!! I can’t be without this stuff its scent is lavender chamomile, and its smells sooooooo goood! I sometimes after my bath may have a cup of lavender tea, or chamomile tea. You can find the sleep lotion here if you need a nighttime soothie.
There are a few new products that I am wanting to try, and I am curious have any of you tried any of the clinique products before, and did you really like the outcome, and or was it a waste of your time and money? I’d really like to hear your thoughts…
The post My Top “5” Nighttime Must Haves post appeared first on Delightfully Styled….

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