My Family’s Favorite Side Dish On Repeat… (Mashed Sweet Potatoes)..
Well, the school year is fast approaching to open!! I have been working like crazy and I’ve always cooked often throughout the week. My family is a very busy family, and I need to make sure that there is a game plan in effect! Also, with me giving most of my time to other important things such as my new business Vault 28. It’s no easy task to pump out a meal at least 4x a week. Once I hit Friday night we are on either take out, or leftover mode. Jerral is a huge help when he is home. I do not hold him accountable for meals daily, because he does help me with meal prep. We equally divide our time to so many things, but we do have some very good staples we stick too!
Growing up a little girl, I have always eaten sweet potatoes. Especially being apart of a southern family! We had sweet potatoes in so many forms, it still amazes me today! Well, naturally I adapted my kids to eating sweet potatoes, and they especially love them this way! I told them that I would graciously share how I cook them, and to die for!!!!!
Mashed Sweet Potatoes Prepping…….
I make sure to give the potatoes a good washing, to prep them to shave off the skin. Next, I did purchase a really good peeler, and I peeled those potatoes in about 10 minutes or less. These are some really healthy orange sweet poatoes, which the taste will be even better.
It doesn’t matter how you cut them, but try to make sure the pieces are uniformed equally (makes the cooking time even, and faster)! These cook very quickly and take no time to prep.
I will make sure to post the recipe throughout this post! I will also make sure to make these photos are pinnable if you love pinterest!!!
After they have been cut I don’t add anything to them but water. I don’t cover them with water, they put out a lot of water while steaming. Please make sure to cover them with a lid, and they will work their magic quickly.
These are all the ingredients that help add magic to those mashed sweet poatoes. My boys start hovering at this point, asking me how long is it before dinner is ready. It’s an age old thing in my house, it’s dinner time and they love dinner. LOL!!!!!
Mashing Sweet Potatoes Recipe
4 Good Sized Sweet Potatoes
1 C. heavy cream
1 tsp. vanilla
1 TSP butter Flavoring
1 TSP. Coconut Flavoring
1/2 stick of butter
1 TSP. nutmeg
1 TSP. cinnamon
Mashed Sweet Potatoes Cooking Instructions…….
Once the potatoes are ready to be mashed go ahead, and turn the burner down to the lowest setting.
I keep my burner down to very low, only if the potatoes are still holding on to any water. The burner will dry them out a little to the consistency you need them to be.
I add in all my ingredients right before I mash. (Hubby stepped into do the muscle work)!:)
Normally, at some point I take the masher from Jerral and whip them quickly my self.
Side Note:
If you want to add all these things to your mixer, or beat directly into the pot, that works too!!
This guy has always been willing to take up the slack when I am running low on fuel. Thank you sweets for always being my biggest helper!
Tonight’s Menu
Meatloaf (They scream for meatloaf, in looooove) Great recipe..
Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Steamed Broccoli
Thank goodness for easy side dishes, and tasty meals. I love anything I can share with my boys from my childhood. Especially with the strong traditions and roots we grew up. My mom and grandmother planted such wonderful things so deeply in myself. Since then I have buried my mom and grandmother, but they live so deeply in the folds of my hearts. This was my mom’s favorite thing to eat that I cooked for her, wrote about it HERE. Preparing meals like this allows me to bury things like this in my kids hearts.
WHat is your favorite side dish your family gets upbeat about? Is it simple to create, or a headache all in itself? I’d love to know, tell me in the comments..
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